wan norashikin wan mohd rais

wan norashikin wan mohd rais


Mittwoch, 27. Oktober 2010

I wanna hold your hand

I wanna hold your hand
when I feel so lonely

I wanna hold your hand
when everybody is blaming me for what I did wrong

I wanna hold your hand
when everything seems not right

I wanna hold you hand
when I feel that I have done stupid things

I wanna hold your hand
when I don´t know what to do

I wanna hold your hand
when I feel that I am the most useless living creature

I wanna hold hold hand
when I need you to tell me that everything´s gonna be fine

I wanna hold your hand
when I need you to tell me that I´ll be doing okay

I wanna hold your hand
and tell you that I always do need you no matter how I do (",)

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